Cohesion is a much desired property of the hoof wall which causes it to hold together. Specifically, its "attraction between like particles" - in this case - the thousands of vertical, microscopic, soda-straw like, fibers comprising the hoof wall.  Hoof-Alive, due to its natural, non-irritating composition, is received into and absorbed by these dense fibers which then begin to expand to several times their normal size.  As these fibers expand, they crowd together and attract - they cohere - thus "COHESION".  For example, just imagine ten of these fibers, before Hoof-Alive is applied, within a small area and separated by space between each fiber.  Now envision the same fibers expanded together with little or no space between them.  This expanding together of the many thousands of wall fibers is what causes existing cracks to "swell shut" and stabilize so they can "grow out".  At the same time the added cohesion, provided by applying Hoof-Alive, is a strong deterrent to all types of new cracks such as nail cracks (during shoeing), quarter cracks due to high stress, sand cracks due to sand impacting separated lamina, and even water cracks which occur from repeated water saturation or "water logging" of the hoof.


Water cracks, usually located toward the center of the wall, are caused from excessive exposure to water. Water, just like Hoof-Alive, goes into the fibers of the hoof wall.�However, water evaporates taking with it some of the natural substances it mixed with while in the wall that the wall needs to hold together.�This, in turn, causes a decline in cohesion which brings on "water cracks".


Stress in a hoof happens when the moisture balance is upset through repeated attacks by evaporation and water saturation and when the cohesion factor is too low.�When these bad conditions are present, the hoof is susceptible of severe splitting called "quarter cracks" (due to stress).�These stress cracks happen when the horse is running, cutting, jumping or otherwise exceeding the normal force applied to its hooves. Stress is invisible. But it is there non-the-less if the above bad conditions have been present for a while.�It is comparable to a warped board which is nailed to a wall.�It may be flat, but the stress of the warp is still there. Hoof-Alive relieves stress better than all other dressings.


Moisture balance is important. The most beneficial moisture for the hoof comes from the blood supply - not from the environment. You might visualize moisture balance as a teeter-totter; the more level and stable it remains - the better. But the wet-dry, wet-dry conditions repeatedly driving the teeter-totter up and down is not good for the hoof wall. Repeated evaporation attacks and diminishes the cohesion the wall needs to hold together and avoid cracks. The oil moisture provided by Hoof-Alive is far superior to water.�Unlike water, Hoof-Alive doesn't evaporate. The natural oils of Hoof-Alive actually take the place of ground water in the wall, stabilize and establish real moisture balance in 24 to 48 hours.�This remains for about 7 days. In addition, because of the weather proofing effects of Hoof-Alive, the wall itself can become impervious to the elements, while retaining the qualities of flexibility and cohesion. Also, since the evaporation factor is slowed way down, the beneficial moisture from the blood supply can stay in the hoof and do more good.

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